I want to pass on and with my words influence others. Contribute to reflection and inspire, bring dreams to life and make more people dare more in life. Make everyone feel seen whether there are 5 or 500 people in the audience. Then I feel that I have done a really good job as a lecturer!
My story
An inspirational lecture where I tell about my path to a permanent job as a journalist only to resign a few months later and dare to start my own business. With an open heart and honesty I share what have been real joy pills and what has left me awake with anxiety. It's a lot about daring to fail, creating strategies for dealing with high performance requirements and building a really strong self-esteem.
Build a story!
Everyone loves a good story and everyone has a story worth telling. But where do you start and why can it increase your revenue? A lecture on storytelling and the art of creating content that stands out from the crowd. You learn about dramaturgy, language and tone and I also share a lot of different inspiring examples. Always adapted to the customer's needs (focus on text, web, social media, video, image, etc.).
Everyone can become an entra- (or intra) preneur
A lecture where I tell in more detail about my experiences, lessons learned and mistakes as a self-employed person. Things that I wish someone had told me before I started! I also share my best advice for you to dare to take the step and invest in your own ideas. This is also a creativity boost for you who are employed or already run a business. Spoiler alert! It's about daring to fail, because what's really the worst that can happen?
Do not skip your savasana!
In the footsteps of covid-19, this concept was born where I combine a short lecture with a yoga session. I talk about motivation and share with me some concrete tools that helped me feel better during this incredibly challenging period. Because many people sit for long days in front of their computers and movement makes us feel better, we finish everything up with a flowing yoga class. Savasana is a totally relaxing position in yoga that can help reduce stress and increase well-being, something that I think we have a great need for both during and after covid-19. Don't skip your savasana! PS: All yoga is adapted to the participants' wishes and experience. Everyone can do yoga!
Live or online!
As a result of covid-19, the digital development has received a lot of rocket fuel. Of course you can book my lectures live or online!
The length can vary from 20 minutes up to 60 minutes. The optimal length I experience myself is around 30 - 40 minutes, with room for questions and a summary at the end. Online lectures works better in a shorter format to maintain focus and commitment.
I adapt and tailor all my lectures to your wishes!